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    @paulmccafferty I've had this one on my to-read list. What did you think?

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    @Annie This is a beautiful essay, Annie. Thank you for sharing it. I read it and then listened to your reading of it. You have a terrific reader's voice, and I picked up on a point you made that my eyes skimmed over in the first reading. Again, thank you.

  • Replying to: @rscottjones

    @rscottjones That's the beauty and curse of Obsidian for me -- there's almost always a community plug-in to solve whatever problem you face. When I used it, I found myself searching and tweaking plug-ins, and then troubleshooting why the plug-ins weren't working -- stuff I love to do -- instead of the harder and more nebulous task of writing and thinking. I still use Obsidian as a bridge to download ReadWise highlights into Bear, but I have to put blinders on when I use it to avoid falling back into its clutches!

    And whoa! Your digital garden is filled with insights and wisdom. I skimmed a bit and realized I need to schedule some quality time to review. Well done!

  • Replying to: @rscottjones

    @rscottjones Good reminder on the random dice roll in Obsidian. Can you limit that to a particular folder or tag? I love “Return on Adventure” — I’m totally stealing that!

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    @rscottjones Beautiful! Challenging yourself to visit all National Monuments has taken you to some amazing places!

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    @Annie I enjoyed this one too!

  • Replying to: @crossingthethreshold

    @crossingthethreshold Yes, it can feel that way!