
    πŸ“· April 2024 Micro.Blog photo challenge, Day 7: Well-being

    Keeping a journal for mental health

    Currently reading: Desperation by Stephen King πŸ“š

    Tackling the remaining Stephen King books I haven’t read. I usually read fiction on my Kindle, but I have the hardback of this one. I forgot how heavy and unwieldy some of Stephen King books can be!

    πŸ“· April 2024 Micro.Blog photo challenge, Day 6: Windy

    Gale force winds aboard MV Indiscretion.

    Nordhavn 43 Trawler in gale force winds

    Finished reading: Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan πŸ“š

    I loved this short, spare novella. In 109 pages, Keegan puts you squarely in the mind and body of its protagonist, Furlong. You feel the pangs of long-ago childhood angst, the chill of an Irish cold spell, the ugliness of small town bigotry, the warmth of a coal stove, the despair over the human cruelty. The Irish dialogue felt more like music or birdsong, making me wish my own language wasn’t so ordinary and flat. I felt sad to leave Furlong’s side after so short a visit, but the tale and ending was told in just the right way, with just the right words. β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    πŸ“· April 2024 Micro.Blog photo challenge, Day 5: Serene

    Toba Inlet, British Columbia, aboard MV Indiscretion.

    Waterfall, Toba Inlet, British Columbia

    πŸ“· April 2024 Micro.Blog photo challenge, Day 4: Foliage

    Spring wildflowers

    Currently reading: Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan πŸ“š

    πŸ“· April 2024 Micro.Blog photo challenge, Day 3: Card

    A Father’s Day card from my son Connor in 2020 before he left home for college. He died in a motorcycle accident two years later. I usually toss cards, but I kept this one, and I treasure it. Hug your kids tonight.

    πŸ“· April 2024 Micro.Blog photo challenge, Day 2: Flowers

    Desert bloom - Southern Arizona

    πŸ“· Day01 : toy (@pcora)

    Boston Terrier with his favorite squeeky Toy

    Currently reading: Slow Horses by Mick Herron πŸ“š

    Lamb’s laugh wasn’t a genuine surrender to amusement; more of a temporary derangement. Not a laugh you’d want to hear from anyone holding a stick.

    I enjoyed the TV series, but the book is even better.

    Finished reading: The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry πŸ“šβ˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Better than any argument is to rise at dawn and pick dew-wet red berries in a cup.

    Currently reading: Sibley’s Birding Basics by David Allen Sibley πŸ“š

    Finished reading: Dune by Frank Herbert πŸ“š β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    There is no better teacher than history in determining the future. There are answers worth billions of dollars in a $30 history book.πŸ“š

    Charlie Munger

    Camped along the Colorado River here at Davis Camp on the Arizona-Nevada border. Smaller rigs can nose right up to the edge of the river. This is my kind of camping.

    Adventure Van on the Colorado RiverColorado River at Davis Camp

    Currently reading: Dune by Frank Herbert πŸ“š

    Rereading ahead of seeing the movie. I had forgotten how much I loved this book.

    Finished reading: I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh πŸ“š β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†

    After three good years with Craft, I’ve moved my reading notes and PKM to Bear. I really love Bear’s simplicity and hidden power on both Mac and iOS. No futzing, just my words. Blog post: Bear 2 for Writing and Thinking.

    Screenshot of Bear 2.

    Currently reading: I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh πŸ“š

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